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Ana Frazão

Founding partner of the firm. She has extensive experience in business law with especial emphasis in the fields of corporate law and contracts, competition, technology and data privacy, regulatory and compliance.

Her work focuses on arbitrations, consulting and representation in contentious cases, not just administrative but also judicial and arbitral.

Ana’s has been a former counselor for the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) and a partner in renowned law offices in business law and litigation.

Ana also works as a rapporteur for the legal expert commission and was named by the House of Representatives to analyze the Commercial Code project; she’s also the first vice-president of the Brazilian Congress for Commercial Law Association, and regional director of the Brazilian Civil Rights Institute (IBDCivil) in the Mid-West. Her experience also includes having been an arbitrator in arbitration procedures in Brazil in several different sectors.

She’s a professor of Civil, Commercial and Economic Rights in undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Brasilia (UnB), and she’s also the president of the Economic Rights Commission of the Federal Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). She has been the director in the Law School at the University of Brasilia, and she is the leader of the Study Group on Constitution, Enterprise and Market (GECEM) at the same university.

Chosen as the “Young Commercial Lawyer” of year 2015 by the Institute of Applied Corporate Law (IDSA), she’s registered in OAB-DF, OAB-SP and OAB-RJ.


PhD in Business Law by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP)

Master’s degree in Law by the University of Brasília (UnB)

Specialist in Economic and Corporate Law by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV)

Major in Law by the University of Brasília (UnB)

Main Publications

General Law for Personal Data Protection – and its repercussions in the Brazilian Law (coauthor). São Paulo. Publisher: Revista dos Tribunais, 2019.

Competition Rights – Assumptions and Perspectives. São Paulo. Publisher: Saraiva, 2017.

A Company’s Social Role – Repercussions on civil liability for controllers and administrators of business corporations. São Paulo: Publisher: Renovar, 2011.

Property and Enterprise – Social Role and Abuse of Economic Power. São Paulo: Publisher: Quartier Latin, 2006.


English, Spanish and French